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Yoga on the Retreat

The yoga practices we provide are based on traditional Hatha yoga. Each class is unique because our experienced instructors base the classes on your ability level, your energy levels that day, and the time of day. 

Our morning classes are designed to help you approach the day feeling rejuvenated. Our evening classes are designed to calm your mind and your nervous system for a restful nights sleep.


In simple terms, we give you the type of yoga practice you need to feel fantastic in yourself, every time you come to the mat.

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Accommodation on the Retreat

Our accommodation consists of two buildings. Both of which surround our olive-tree courtyard: The Auberge and The Farmhouse.


The Auberge has 7 bedrooms — 6 of which have ensuites, a communal bathroom, a pool-lounge living room, rustic dining hall, and kitchen. The Farmhouse has 2 bedrooms, a communal bathroom, and a large kitchen/ dining/ living room encompassing the whole ground floor. Both buildings have their own garden and patio space, and have access to our greater grounds.


Our greater grounds consist of a stables (complete with riding school and instructors), communal swimming pool, lake, and walking trails.

Exclusive Mailing List

Our exclusive mailing list includes:

  • Free 1 hour consultation call with Health Coach Dan Sarkozi.

  • First to know about new dates, venues and flights.

  • Subscribers only offers and promotions.

Please fill out the form below and Dan will be in touch to arrange your consultation call, or we will place you on the waiting list.

There are many paths to yoga

Karma yoga: 

Can be defined as taking action for a good cause with no thought of reward. We see this on our retreat through the sense of community and support for one and other.

Bhakti yoga: 

Can be defined as worshipping God. Religion and God are subjects we avoid on the retreat but we are happy to recommend a reading list for further study.

Raja yoga: 

Can be defined as meditation. On the retreat we teach the basics of meditation and provide the option of a workshop on this life-changing exercise. 

Jnana yoga: 

Can be defined as studying. Our retreat workshops facilitate discussion about both the latest scientific evidence for well-being habits and classic literature. We believe nourishing our mind is as important as nourishing our body.

Nada yoga: 

Is a musical path to yoga. Unfortunately there is no musical element to our retreat at the moment.

Hatha yoga: 

In this context Hatha yoga refers to purifying our physical body through techniques such as yoga postures, or 'asana' as they are known in Sanskrit.


Here’s some names of different methods of performing asana:

  • Hatha yoga (Slower paced)

  • Yin yoga (Static postures)

  • Ashtanga yoga (Mastering a sequence)

  • Vinyasa yoga (Flowing from pose to pose)

  • Bikram yoga (Practicing in a hot room)

  • Iyengar yoga (Focusing on specific asana technique)


We provide two hatha yoga classes a day on the retreat. The type of asana we practice varies, depending on ability, time of day, and energy levels.

We believe good yoga and good health should be accessible to everyone.

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